Exploring the Mentorship Dynamic: A Guide for Mentees

- Robert Sunderland

As annual appraisal time approaches here at Blueprint HQ, the recent conversations I've had with colleagues have brought back memories of similar discussions I've had in previous workplaces as a line manager. These conversations centred around the importance of mentoring, both as a mentor and as someone seeking guidance to develop specific skills or even a growth mindset.

From my previous experience, I've realised that simply asking for a mentor might not be enough if the mentee hasn't received proper training. Often, individuals are unaware of what they're truly seeking and the level of commitment it entails. I vividly recall my initial meeting with an experienced mentor, where I found myself stumped by the barrage of questions he asked. I had gone in there expecting him to have all the answers and perform some sort of ‘laying on of hands’ ceremony to impart his vast knowledge and experience. A totally unrealistic approach but then again I didn’t know what to expect. 

What I did learn was that as a mentee, you are not just a passive recipient of wisdom, but an active participant in a symbiotic relationship. Proper preparation is key to fully reap the benefits of this relationship. To that end, I thought it might be useful to jot down a few top tips for those wanting to be a mentee.

1. Self-Assessment

Before embarking on a mentorship journey, you need to understand yourself. What are your strengths, weaknesses, aspirations, and fears? What are the skills you need to develop or improve? Where do you want to see yourself in the next five years? Self-assessment provides a roadmap for your mentorship journey and helps you choose a mentor who aligns with your needs and ambitions.

2. Define Clear Goals

After a thorough self-assessment, you should define clear, measurable goals for your mentorship relationship. What do you hope to learn or achieve through this relationship? Are there particular skills or knowledge you want to acquire? Having clear goals can help you and your mentor outline a structured path for your progress.

3. Choose the Right Mentor

Not every successful person makes a great mentor and that’s okay. You need a mentor who complements your personality, aligns with your goals, and whose success resonates with you. They should be someone you respect and are comfortable learning from. Moreover, their availability and willingness to commit to the mentorship relationship are crucial factors to consider.

4. Cultivate a Learning Mindset

Mentorship is about learning and growth. As a mentee, you must cultivate a mindset open to feedback, even when it's tough to hear. You should be willing to step out of your comfort zone and take on new challenges. Embrace the idea of learning not just from your mentor's successes, but also their failures.

5. Prepare to Give Back

Remember, mentorship is a two-way street. While your mentor will undoubtedly have more experience and knowledge, there are things they can learn from you too. This could be a fresh perspective, technical skills, or insights into a demographic they’re less familiar with. Be open to sharing your knowledge and experiences.

6. Communication is Key

Open and respectful communication is the bedrock of a successful mentorship relationship. Be clear about your needs, expectations, and concerns. Regular check-ins and updates will keep your mentor abreast of your progress, challenges, and any necessary adjustments to your mentorship plan.

7. Commitment and Respect

Your mentor is investing their time and resources in your success. Show respect for this commitment by being punctual, prepared, and engaged in your interactions. Take their advice seriously and show tangible efforts towards your goals.



In conclusion, being a good mentee is about much more than just showing up. It requires introspection, goal-setting, a learning mindset, and respect for your mentor's time and wisdom. With these steps, you'll be well-prepared to embark on a fruitful mentorship journey that could shape your career and personal development in ways you never imagined.

Remember, every great leader was once a mentee too. Your mentorship journey is just the start of your path to success. Embrace the journey, enjoy it and let it guide you towards your future ambition.

Ready to take your project control skills to the next level? Start your mentorship journey today and unlock the full potential of your career by getting in touch with our experienced team. 

Get in touch to find out more.


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